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Mailen, das kostenlose angebot wirkt sich da nur für die partnersuche ohne versteckte kosten. However, in many cases monoculture of have replaced the original mixed natural forest, because these grow quicker. Industrialism: A Dictionary of Sociology. The Suez Canal, being an artificial man made canal, is a human agency.

The Reformation also damaged the Holy Roman Emperor's influence, as German princes became divided between and Roman Catholic faiths. Sea creatures are also an important part of European flora and fauna. Population and density figures are from the first results of 2011 census and are given without the disputed territory of.

Mediterranean Sea - The caliph had allowed Amalfian merchants to reside in about 1060 in place of the Latin.

Although the sea is sometimes considered a part of the Atlantic Ocean, it is usually identified as a separate body of water. Geological evidence indicates that around 5. It covers an approximate area of 2. The Strait of Gibraltar is a narrow strait that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and separates and Spain in Europe from in Africa. Init is sometimes called the Eurafrican Mediterranean Sea or the European Mediterranean Sea to distinguish it from elsewhere. The Mediterranean Sea has an average depth of 1,500 m 4,900 ft and the deepest recorded point is 5,267 m 17,280 partnersuche blue in the in the. The sea is bordered on the north bythe east byand in the south by. It is located between latitudes and and longitudes and. Its west-east length, from the Strait of Gibraltar to the Gulf of Iskenderun, on the southwestern coast of Turkey, is approximately 4,000 km 2,500 miles. The sea's average north-south length, from Croatia's southern shore to Libya, is approximately 800 km 500 miles. The Mediterranean Sea, including the connected by the to thehas a surface area of approximately 2,510,000 square km 970,000 square miles. The sea was an important route for and travellers of ancient times that allowed for trade and cultural exchange between emergent peoples of the region. The is crucial to understanding the origins and development of many modern societies. The countries surrounding the Mediterranean in clockwise order are,,,,, and ; and are island countries in the sea. In addition, the and the of and have coastlines on the sea. With its highly indented coastline and large number of islands, Greece has the longest Mediterranean coastline. The Ancient Greeks called the Mediterranean simply ἡ θάλασσα 'the Sea' or sometimes ἡ μεγάλῆ θάλασσα 'the Great Sea', ἡ ἡμέτερα θάλασσα 'Our Sea', or ἡ θάλασσα ἡ καθ'ἡμᾶς 'the sea around us'. The Romans called it Mare Magnum 'Great Sea' or Mare Internum 'Internal Sea' and, starting with the'Our Sea'. The term Mare Mediterrāneum appears later: apparently used it in the 3rd century, but the earliest extant witness to it partnersuche blue in the 6th century, in. It means 'in the middle of land, inland' ina compound of medius 'middle', terra partnersuche blue, earth' and -āneus 'having the nature of'. The Latin word is a of Greek μεσόγαιος 'inland', from μέσος 'in the middle' and γήϊος 'of the earth' from γῆ 'land, earth'. partnersuche blue The original meaning may have been 'the sea in the middle of the earth', rather than 'the sea enclosed by land'. In Islamic and older Arabic literature, it was Baḥr al-Rūm ī بحر الروم or بحر الرومي} 'the Sea of the Romans' or 'the Roman Sea'. At first, that name referred to only the Eastern Mediterranean, but it was later extended to the whole Mediterranean. Other Arabic names were Baḥr al-šām ī بحر الشام 'the Sea of Syria' and Baḥr al-Maghrib بحرالمغرب 'the Sea of the West'. The origin of the name is not clear, as it is not known in earlier Greek, Byzantine or Islamic sources. It may be to contrast with the. In Persian, the name was translated as Baḥr-i Safīd, which was also used in later. It is probably the origin of the colloquial Greek Άσπρη Θάλασσα. This would explain both the Turkish Akdeniz White Sea and the Arab nomenclature described above. It provided routes for trade, colonization, and war, as well as food from fishing and the gathering of other seafood for numerous communities throughout the ages. Due to the shared climate, geology, and access to the sea, cultures centered on the Mediterranean tended to have some extent of intertwined culture and history. Two of the most notable Mediterranean civilizations in were the and theboth of which extensively colonized the coastlines of the Mediterranean. For the next 400 years, the Roman Empire completely controlled the Mediterranean Sea and virtually all its coastal regions from Gibraltar to the. Darius's canal was wide enough for two to pass each other with oars extended, and required four days to traverse. Temporarily the east was again dominant as Roman power lived on in the formed in the 4th century from the eastern half of the. Another power arose in the 7th century, and with it the religion ofwhich soon swept across partnersuche blue the east; at its greatest extent, the controlled 75% of the Mediterranean region and left a lasting footprint on its eastern and southern shores. The Arab invasions disrupted the trade relations between Western and Eastern Europe while cutting the trade route with Oriental lands. This, however, had the indirect effect of promoting the trade across the. The export of grains from was re-routed towards the. Oriental goods like silk and spices were carried from Egypt to ports like and by sailors and Jewish merchants. The further disrupted the trade in western Europe and brought it to a halt. However, the developed the trade from Norway to thewhile also trading in luxury goods from and the Mediterranean. The retook control of the area around the north-eastern part of the Mediterranean. Venetian ships from the 9th century armed themselves to counter the harassment by Arabs while concentrating trade of oriental goods at Venice. The maintained trade relations with the like and before the Crusades, according to the documents. A document dated 996 mentions Amalfian merchants living in. Another letter states that the Genoese had traded with. The caliph had allowed Amalfian merchants to reside in about 1060 in place of the Latin. The led to flourishing of trade between Europe and the region. Genoa, Venica and created colonies in regions controlled by the Crusaders and came to control the trade with the Orient. These colonies also allowed them to trade with the Eastern world. Though the fall of the Crusader states and attempts at banning of trade relations with Muslim states by the Popes temporarily disrupted the trade with the Orient, it however continued. Europe started to revive, however, as more organized and centralized states began to form in the later after partnersuche blue. The by the Anglo-Dutch fleet in support of an ultimatum to release European slaves, August 1816 power based in Anatolia continued partnersuche blue grow, and in 1453 extinguished the Byzantine Empire with the. Ottomans gained control of much of the sea in the 16th century and maintained naval bases in 1543-1544Algeria and Tunisia. The 1560 marked the apex of Ottoman naval domination in the Mediterranean. As the naval prowess of the European powers increased, they confronted Ottoman expansion in the region when the 1571 checked the power of the. This was the last naval battle to be fought primarily between. The of preyed on Christian shipping and coastlines in the Western Mediterranean Sea. According to Robert Davis, from the 16th to 19th centuries, pirates captured 1 million to 1. The development of oceanic shipping began to affect the entire Mediterranean. Once, most trade between Western Europe and the East had passed through the region, but after the 1490s the development of a sea route to the Indian Ocean allowed the importation of Asian and other goods through the Atlantic ports of western Europe. In 2015, more than one million migrants crossed the Mediterranean Sea into Europe. Italy was particularly affected by the. Since 2013, over 700,000 migrants have landed in Italy, mainly sub-Saharan Africans. The Sea of Marmara is often considered a part of the Mediterranean Sea, whereas the Black Sea is generally not. The 163 km 101 mi long artificial in the southeast connects the Mediterranean Sea to the. Large islands in the Mediterranean include,,, and in the ;,, partnersuche blue in the central Mediterranean;, and the :, and in the Western Mediterranean. The typical has hot, humid, and dry summers and mild, rainy winters. Crops of the region include, and. In the a line joining the north extreme of Cape Paci 15°42'E with Cape Peloro, the east extreme of the Island of. The north coast of Sicily. The Mediterranean is characterised and immediately recognised by its deep blue colour. Evaporation is especially high in its eastern half, causing the water level to decrease and to increase eastward. The salinity at 5 m depth is 3. The pushes relatively cool, low-salinity water from the Atlantic across the basin; it warms and becomes saltier as it travels east, then sinks in the region of the and circulates westward, to spill over the. Thus, seawater flow is eastward in the Strait's surface waters, and westward below; once in the Atlantic, this chemically distinct Mediterranean Intermediate Water can persist thousands of kilometres away from its source. The temperature of the water in the deepest part of the Mediterranean Sea is 13. Several other territories also border the Mediterranean Sea from west to east : The ofthe Spanish autonomous cities of and andthe on Cyprus, and the Palestinian. For a more comprehensive list, see. Major cities municipalities with populations larger than 200,000 people bordering the Mediterranean Sea are: Country Cities Algeria, Egypt, FranceGreece,Israel, Italy, partnersuche blue,, LebanonLibya,MoroccoPalestineSpain,. The of the Mediterranean Sea is complex. Underlain bythe sea basin was once thought to be a tectonic remnant of the ancient ; it is now known to be a structurally younger basin, called thewhich partnersuche blue first formed by the convergence of the and during the Late and Early. Because it is a near-landlocked body of water in partnersuche blue normally dry climate, the Mediterranean is subject to intensive evaporation and the precipitation of. The started about six million years ago mya when the Mediterranean became landlocked, and then essentially dried up. There are salt deposits accumulated on the bottom of the basin of more than a million cubic kilometres—in some places more than three kilometres partnersuche blue. Scientists estimate that the sea was last filled about 5. Water poured in from the Atlantic Ocean through a newly breached gateway now called the at an estimated rate of about three orders of magnitude one thousand times larger than the current flow of the. The Mediterranean Sea has an average depth of 1,500 m 4,900 ft and the deepest recorded point is 5,267 m 17,280 ft in the in the. The coastline extends for 46,000 km 29,000 mi. A shallow submarine ridge the between the island of and the coast of divides the sea in two main subregions: the Western Mediterranean, with an area of about 850 thousand km 2 330 thousand mi 2 ; and the Eastern Mediterranean, partnersuche blue about 1. A characteristic of the coastal Mediterranean are submarine or vruljas, which discharge pressurised groundwater into the coastal seawater from below the surface; the discharge water is usually fresh, and sometimes may be thermal. Unsourced material may be challenged and. October 2018 Partnersuche blue Mediterranean basin and sea system was established by the partnersuche blue African-Arabian continent colliding with the continent. As Africa-Arabia drifted northward, it closed over the ancient which had earlier separated the two supercontinents and. The broad line of collisions pushed up a very long system of mountains from the in Spain to the in Iran in an episode of mountain-building tectonics known as the. The Neotethys grew larger during the episodes of collisions and associated foldings and subductions that occurred during the and epochs 34 to 5. Accordingly, the Mediterranean consists of several stretched plates in subduction which are the foundation of the Eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. Various zones of subduction harbour and form the and most majestic oceanic ridges, east of the and south of the. The runs East of the Mediterranean Sea South-East across the in-between of and the into the. There the development of the intramontane Betic and Rif basins led to creating two roughly-parallel marine gateways between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Dubbed the andthey progressively closed during middle and late Miocene times; perhaps several times. It ended when the Atlantic Ocean last re-flooded the basin—creating the and causing the —at the end of the Miocene 5. Some research has suggested that a desiccation-flooding-desiccation cycle may have repeated several times, which could partnersuche blue several events of large amounts of salt deposition. Recent studies, however, show that repeated desiccation and re-flooding is unlikely from a point of view. As mentioned, two other gateways preceded Gibraltar: the across southern Spain and the across northern Morocco. The indicates a typical extinction and replacement of mammal species in Europe during Tortonian times following climatic upheaval and overland migrations of new species; see Animation: Messinian salinity crisis and mammal migrationsat right. The near-completely enclosed configuration of the Mediterranean basin has enabled the oceanic gateways to dominate seawater circulation and the environmental evolution of the sea and basin. Circulation patterns are also affected by several other factors—including climate, bathymetry, and water chemistry and temperature—which are interactive and can induce precipitation of. Today, evaporation of surface seawater output is more than the supply input of fresh water by precipitation and coastal drainage systems, causing the salinity of the Mediterranean to be much higher than that of the Atlantic—so much so that the saltier Mediterranean waters sink below the waters incoming from the Atlantic, causing a two-layer flow across the : that is, an outflow of warm saline Mediterranean water, counterbalanced by an inflow surface current of less saline cold oceanic water from the Atlantic. Herman Sörgel's project proposal in the 1920s proposed a hydroelectric dam to be built across the Strait of Gibraltar, using the inflow current to provide a large amount of hydroelectric energy. The underlying energy grid was as well intended to support a political union between Europe and, at least, the Marghreb part of Africa compare for the later impact and for a later project with some parallels in the planned grid. Fossil evidence from that period reveals that the larger basin had a humid subtropical climate with rainfall in the summer supporting. The subtropical laurel forests retreated; and even as they persisted on the islands of off the Atlantic coast of Iberia and North Africa, the present Mediterranean vegetation evolved, dominated by coniferous trees and trees and shrubs with small, hard, waxy leaves that prevent moisture loss in the dry summers. Much of these forests and shrublands have been altered beyond recognition by thousands of years of human habitation. There are now very few relatively intact natural areas in what was once a heavily wooded region. Since the Mediterranean is involved in the deposition of eolian dust from the during dry periods, whereas riverine detrital input prevails during wet ones, the Mediterranean marine -bearing sequences provide high-resolution climatic information. These data have been employed in reconstructing astronomically calibrated time scales for the last 9 Ma of the Earth's history, helping to constrain the time of past. Furthermore, the exceptional accuracy of these paleoclimatic records has improved our knowledge of the Earth's orbital variations in the past. The North Atlantic is considerably colder and more nutrient-rich than the Mediterranean, and the marine life of the Mediterranean has had to adapt to its differing conditions in the five million years since the basin was reflooded. The is partnersuche blue transition zone between the two seas, containing a mix of Mediterranean and Atlantic species. The Alboran Sea has the largest population of in the Western Mediterranean, is home to the last population of in the Mediterranean, and is the most important feeding grounds for in Europe. The Alboran sea also hosts important commercial fisheries, including and. The live in the Aegean Sea in Greece. In 2003, the raised concerns about the widespread fishing endangering populations of dolphins, turtles, and other marine animals such as the. This section's factual accuracy is. Relevant discussion may be found on. Please help to ensure that disputed statements are. The image of a simplistic, environmental determinist notion of a Mediterranean Paradise on Earth in antiquity, which was destroyed by later civilisations dates back to at least the 18th century and was for centuries fashionable in archaeological and historical circles. Based on a broad variety of methods, e. The belief stems more from the failure of the recent landscape to measure up to the imaginary past of the as idealised by artists, poets and scientists of the early modern. The historical evolution of climate, vegetation and landscape in southern Europe from prehistoric times to the present is much more complex and underwent various changes. For example, some of partnersuche blue deforestation had already taken place before the Roman age. While in the Roman age large enterprises as the took effective care of forests and agriculture, the largest depopulation effects came with the end of the empire. Humanisation was therefore not the cause of climate change but followed it. The wide ecological diversity typical of Mediterranean Europe is predominantly based on human behavior, as partnersuche blue is and has partnersuche blue closely related human usage patterns. The diversity range was enhanced by the widespread exchange and interaction of the longstanding and highly diverse local agriculture, intense transport and trade relations, and the interaction with settlements, pasture and other land use. The greatest human-induced changes, however, partnersuche blue afterrespectively in line with the '1950s-syndrome' as rural populations throughout the region abandoned traditional subsistence economies. Grove and Rackham suggest that the locals left the traditional agricultural patterns towards taking a role as scenery-setting agents for the then much more important tourism travellers. This resulted in more monotonous, large-scale formations. Among further current important threats to Mediterranean landscapes are overdevelopment of coastal areas, abandonment of mountains and, as mentioned, the loss of variety via the reduction of traditional agricultural occupations. The region around Vesuvius including the Caldera west of Naples are quite active and constitute the most densely populated volcanic region in the world where an eruptive event may occur within decades. Vesuvius itself is regarded as quite dangerous due to a tendency towards explosive eruptions. It is best known for its that led to the burying and destruction of the cities of and. The is a quite positive example of natural hazards leading to improved relations of traditional rivals in the region after earthquakes in İzmir and Athens 1999. Forest fires are, whether man made or natural, an often recurring and dangerous hazard in the Mediterranean region. Also, tsunamis are an often underestimated hazard in the region. For example, the and took more than 123,000 lives in Sicily and Calabria and is among the most deadly natural disasters in partnersuche blue Europe. The stable of the Mediterranean Sea and provides a nourishing environment for to flourish while assuring a balanced excluded from any external. The opening of the in 1869 created the first salt-water passage between the Mediterranean and. The Red Sea is higher than theso the canal serves as a tidal that pours Red Sea water into the Mediterranean. Thewhich are hyper-saline natural lakes that form part of the canal, blocked the migration of Red Sea species into the Mediterranean for many decades, but as the salinity of the lakes gradually equalised with that of the Red Sea, the barrier to migration was removed, and plants and animals from the Red Sea have begun to colonise the Eastern Mediterranean. The Red Sea is generally saltier and more nutrient-poor than the Atlantic, so the Red Sea species have advantages over Atlantic species in the salty and nutrient-poor Eastern Mediterranean. Accordingly, Red Sea species invade the Mediterranean biota, and not vice versa; this phenomenon is known as the afterthe French engineer or Erythrean invasion. The construction of the across the River in the 1960s reduced the inflow of freshwater and nutrient-rich from the Nile into the Eastern Mediterranean, making conditions there even more like the Red Sea and worsening the impact of the. Invasive species have become a major component of the Mediterranean ecosystem and have serious impacts on the Mediterranean ecology, endangering many local and Mediterranean species. A first look at some groups of exotic species show that more than 70% of the non-indigenous decapods and about 63% of the exotic fishes occurring in the Mediterranean are of Indo Pacific origin, into the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal. The Suez Canal, being an artificial man made canal, is a human agency. Whatever wording is chosen, they represent a threat to the native Mediterranean biodiversity, because they are non-indigenous to this sea. In recent years, the Egyptian government's announcement of its intentions to deepen and widen the canal have raised concerns fromfearing that such an act will only worsen the invasion of Red Sea species into the Mediterranean, facilitating the crossing of the canal for yet additional species. Whether this reflects an expansion of the natural area of these species that now enter the Mediterranean through the Gibraltar strait, because of a warming trend of the water caused by ; or an extension of the maritime traffic; or is simply the result of a more intense scientific investigation, is still an open question. Rising sea levels will also mean rising salt water levels in Malta's groundwater supply and reduce the availability of drinking water. Coastal ecosystems also appear to be threatened by sea level rise, especially enclosed seas such as thethe Mediterranean and the Black Sea. These seas have only small and primarily east-west movementwhich may restrict northward displacement of organisms in these areas. Sea partnersuche blue rise for the next century 2100 could be between 30 cm 12 in and 100 cm 39 in and temperature shifts of a mere 0. The aims to 'reduce pollution in the Mediterranean Sea and protect and improve the marine environment in the area, thereby contributing to its sustainable development. One of them is the which is considered to be among the world's most. The Mediterranean is also plagued by. A 1994 study of the using around the coasts of Spain, France and Italy reported a particularly high mean concentration of debris; an average of 1,935 items per km 2. It is estimated that approximately 220,000 of more than 100 cross the Mediterranean Sea each year—about one third of the world's total merchant shipping. These ships often carry hazardous cargo, which if lost would result in severe damage to the marine environment. The discharge of chemical tank washings and oily wastes also represent a significant source of marine pollution. The Mediterranean Sea constitutes 0. It is estimated that every year between 100,000 t 98,000 long tons and 150,000 t 150,000 long tons of crude oil are deliberately released into the sea from shipping activities. Approximately 370,000,000 t 360,000,000 long tons of oil are transported annually in the Mediterranean Sea more than 20% of the world totalwith around 250—300 crossing the sea every day. Accidental happen frequently with an average of 10 spills per year. A major oil spill could occur at any time in any part of the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean Sea is arguably among the most block basin sea regions in the world, with a unique combination of pleasant climate, beautiful coastline, rich history and various cultures. The Mediterranean region is the most popular tourist destination in the world—attracting approximately one third of the world's international tourists. In that regard, authorities around the Mediterranean have made it a point to extinguish rising man-made chaotic zones that would affect the economies, societies in neighboring coastal countries, let alone. Naval and rescue components in the Mediterranean Sea are considered one of the very best due to the quick intercooperation of various within proximity of each other. Unlike the vast openthe closed nature of the Mediterranean Sea provides a much more adaptable naval initiative among the coastal countries to provide effective naval and rescue missions, considered the safest and regardless of any man-made or. Tourism also supports small communities in coastal areas and islands by providing alternative sources of income far from urban centers. However, tourism has also played major role in the of the coastal and. Rapid partnersuche blue has been encouraged by Mediterranean governments to support the large numbers of tourists visiting the region each year. But this has caused serious disturbance to such as partnersuche blue and in many places along the Mediterranean coasts. Tourism often concentrates in areas of high natural wealth, causing a serious threat to the habitats of endangered Mediterranean species such as and. Reductions in natural wealth may reduce incentives for tourists to visit. Main article: Fish stock levels in the Mediterranean Sea are alarmingly low. The European Environment Agency says that more than 65% of all fish stocks partnersuche blue the region are outside safe biological limits and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, that some of the most important fisheries—such as and, and —are threatened. Large open water fish like tuna have been a shared fisheries resource for thousands of years but the stocks are now dangerously low. In 1999, published a report revealing that the amount of bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean had decreased by over 80% in the previous 20 years and government scientists warn that without immediate action the stock will collapse. Archived from on 2 December 2009. Archived from on 15 September 2012. The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean. Bull, Marcus Graham; Edbury, Peter; Phillips, Jonathan, eds. Gable — - Boglewood Timeline — 1998 — Retrieved 3 September 2011. Springs and Bottled Waters of the World: Ancient History, Source, Occurrence, Quality and Use. Choking the Mediterranean to dehydration: The Messinian salinity crisis Geology, 37 2167—170 : 10 January 2015 at the. Messinian salinity crisis regulated by competing tectonics and erosion at the Gibraltar Arc. Mammal extinctions in the Vallesian Upper Miocene. Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences. Astronomical calibration of Gauss to Matuyama sapropels in partnersuche blue Mediterranean and implication for the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale, 104 1991 226—244 Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 1991. Guardian News and Media Limited. International Union for Conservation of Nature. A sea change: exotics in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, in: Leppäkoski, E. Invasive aquatic species of Europe: distribution, impacts and management. Archived from on 9 February 2011. Climate change and coastal management on Europe's coast, in: Vermaat, J. Managing European coasts: past, present and future. Archived from on 9 April 2009.

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Much of these forests and shrublands have been altered beyond recognition by thousands of years of human habitation. Like many other parts of , these territories were. Archived from on 4 December 2007. Some of these , are oriented east-west and allow the wind to carry large masses of water from the ocean in the interior. However only the population figure includes the entire state. Emperor presided over Constantinople's first golden age: he established a that forms the basis of many modern legal systems, funded the construction of the , and brought the Christian church under state control. Various zones of subduction harbour and form the and most majestic oceanic ridges, east of the and south of the.

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